onsdag 19 november 2014

Four years ago, Darvon & Darvocet were banned in the US, has anything happened since then, one might wonder?

Today Nov. 19, 2014 and it is therefore four years ago  that the pain-relieving drugs Darvon and Darvocet banned in the US. The very next day it started to pour in lawsuits against a number of US pharmaceutical companies - primarily Eli Lilly and Xanodyne - which should be designated as the really big culprits. Lawyers and people - survivors and victims of DXP - scented morning air. In Sweden and other EU substance was banned a few years ago.

Hundreds of lawyers and thousands of victims are registered, mostly in a federal court in Kentucky, Eastern District - where authorities want to place as many trials as possible. It's a reasonable thought that the court does so in order to get as much unity as possible in the various trials.

But still have no direct lawsuits initiated by the plaintiff and the defendant. However, some courts - Appeal - had a lot to do. The law - this costly employment - has been in full swing over the past years, and probably has already cost millions and one million US dollars

The sued the drug companies are likely to have acquired the foremost lawyers, they're used to being sued, while those who suffered not at all have the same organization. The drug company lawyers seem more alert, one of them offered me a cup of coffee when I had my press conference at the National Press Club in Washington DC. She fetched two mugs plenty Starbuck coffee at the nearest bar. Nice gesture.

The legal subtleties, thus has been going on for all four years and no one knows yet what will happen. I emailed to the court in Kentucky and asked when the trials would begin. A lady answered:

- The trials will begin when the court has decided that they should begin.

För fyra år sedan stoppades DXP i USA, har nåt hänt sedan dess kan man undra

Idag är det alltså den 19 november 2014 och det är därmed fyra år sedan - på dagen - som den smärstillande substansen Dextropropoxifen (DXP) stoppades i USA. Redan dagen därpå började det strömma in stämningar mot ett flera amerikanska läkemedelsföretag - främst Eli Lilly och Xanodyne, som bör betecknas som de riktigt stora bovarna. Advokater och personer – som överlevt och som drabbats av DXP - vädrade morronluft. I Sverige och i övriga EU var substansen förbjuden sedan några år.

Hundratals advokater och tusentals drabbade finns registrerade, främst i en federal domstol i Kentucky, Östra distriktet – dit myndigheterna vill förlägga så många rättegångar som möjligt. Det är en rimlig tanke att domstolen gör så för att få så mycket enhet som möjligt i de olika rättegångarna.

Men ännu har inga direkta rättegångar inletts med käranden och svaranden. Däremot har vissa domstolar - för överklaganden - haft en hel del att göra. Juridiken – denna kostbara sysselsättning – har varit i full gång under de gångna åren, och sannolikt har det redan kostat miljoner och åter miljoner dollar

Det stämda läkemedelsföretagen har sannolikt skaffat de främsta advokaterna, man är ju van vid att stämmas, medan de som drabbats inte alls har samma organisation. Läkemedelsföretagens advokater verkar mer alerta, en av dem bjöd mig på en kopp kaffe när jag hade min presskonferens på Nationella Pressklubben i Washington DC. Hon hämtade två muggar gott Starbuck kaffe på närmsta bar. Trevlig gest.

Det juridiska finliret har alltså pågått under alla fyra åren och ingen vet ännu vad som kommer att hända. Jag mailade till domstolen i Kentucky och frågade när rättegångarna skulle börja. En dam svarade: 

- Rättegångarna skall börja när domstolen har bestämt att dom skall börja.



Den federale domaren i Kentycky Danny C Reeves är nyckelpersonen i de kommande rättegångarna. Eli Lilly och Xanodyne är de två läkemedelsföretag som sannolikt kommer att få det tuffast i de kommande rättegångarna.

Robert Redford, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein on Watergate

Dear Mr Robert Redford,

Yesterday I saw the discussion about Watergate that you had 2011 at LBJ Library together with Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein – and it was just GREAT. I am so old – 72 years - so I do remember Watergate. I visited one lawyer I got to know – I met his wife on a Rotary meeting in DC 2012 – and she parked the car in the Watergate garage - that was something. I almost saw the burglars. 

As a young reporter, I traveled around the USA(Febr-May 1972), and the burglary was in June 1972.

It was almost magical to listen to the three of you. I have read a lot about Watergate, also has a keen interest in the Kennedys, about 150 books, plus at least 100 additional books about the United States, its history and politics. Currently I am reading John W. Dean's latest book - where he can tell the truth, then it Most of this book is based on Nixon's recordings. http://amzn.to/14HtjOw

Over the last 11-12 years I have been visiting Washington DC six times to our research - if the analgesic Propoxyphene - brands were among others Darvon and Darvocet. Last year, I had a press conference at the National Press Club in DC and presented our research http://bit.ly/1fKUZFZ Our CV http://bit.ly/15Nf36b

My wife and I have studied the drugs since 1993. (We are both PhD´s ) The drug was synthesized in 1957 and was stopped in the US in November 19th, 2010 - exactly four years ago. We have been working many years with this, and now substance is stopped in the world – at 95%.

There are hundreds of lawyers and thousands of plaintiffs waiting for the trials, but the lawyers have worked in four years about the legal details – but up to know no trials have started. This research has been our life's great adventures - and tens of thousands of lives have been saved. This is a true and very interesting history.

In the video that I saw yesterday you spoke among other things about the process, the concerns and nervousness has driven you - and us in our research. I think the idea that two unknown Swedish researchers challenged the Big Phrama and the medical products authorities in several countries were not on our side from the beginning is kind of interesting.

We have challenged on of the world's largest pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly who made billions of dollars selling this substance - even though they knew that the substance killed many, many people.

It would be nice to hear from you

My mail is

Kind regards

Ulf J

Some of my most important tweets are about Darvon - Darvocet ( Propoxyphene) fatalities